Seamless Report Card Comments using AI

Create report card comments that are unique, personalized, privacy-focused, and ready-to-go in minutes.

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Works for everyone.
While we have built in templates for Canada, anyone can set up their own template for their country, school, or district and generate comments.
Privacy first.
We never store any student PII or send it to LLMs. Any information used to generate comments is not used to train models.
Personalized comments.
In addition to the grade, teacher can provide anecdotes and next steps for each student, thereby personalizing the comment for each student.
Character limits.
Specify the maximum number of characters for each comment and Almanack will generate comments that fit within the limit.
Learning skills.
Create comments for learning skills such as Responsibility, Cooperation, Organization, or whatever your report card template requires.
Save time.
On average, teachers spend 2-3 hours writing report card comments. Almanack can generate comments in minutes.

Try it out for free

Start generating report card comments in minutes. No prior experience with AI needed.